The Mayes Group @ UMass Dartmouth
Computational Chemistry and Materials Modeling
Co-PI, “Collaborative Research: Designing Solid Boosters and Electrolytes for Redox-Targeting Flow Batteries", NSF ($330,643, 5/1/2024-4/30/2027; with Patrick Cappillino).
Co-PI, “Microbially Influenced Corrosion of Materials in Marine Applications", ONR ($347,399, 3/1/2024-2/28/2026; with Pia Moisander and Micheline Labrie).
Co-PI, “ Understanding the Role of Solvent Molecules in Solid Polymer Electrolytes through Molecular Dynamics Simulation", UMass Dartmouth Internal Seed Award ($21,000, 1/1/2023-8/30/2023; with Caiwei Shen).
PI, " Durability and Performance of Flow Batteries for Applications in Marine & Undersea Technology", ONR ($320,695 (direct), 12/2/2021-12/1/2024, with Patrick Cappillino).
Co-PI, “Development and Implementation of Robust and Scalable Numerical Algorithms”, AFOSR ($600,000; 2/1/2022-1/31/2023; PI: Sigal Gottlieb)
Senior Personnel, "REU Site: Advanced Interdisciplinary Materials Research for Maritime Applications", NSF ($430,631, PI: Vijaya Chalivendra, 3/1/2022-2/28/2025)
"S-STEM: ACCOMPLISH: Academically Capable Computation-Focused Low Income Student Cohort", NSF ($650,000; PI: Yanlai Chen, 9/1/20-8/31/2025)
PI, “Toward High-Power/High-Energy Flow Batteries for Applications in Unmanned Undersea Vehicles: Overcoming Fundamental Obstacles with a Bio-Inspired Active-Material Scaffold”, ONR ( $222,625 (direct) 2/1/2020-1/31/2022, with Patrick Cappillino)
Co-PI, “A Heterogeneous Terascale Computing Cluster for the Development and Efficient Implementation of High Order Numerical Methods”, ONR ($643,899; 6/1/2018-5/30/2019; PI: Sigal Gottlieb)
PI, “A Computational and Experimental Study of Self-Assembled Peptide Nanotubes for Energy Applications”, UMass Dartmouth Provost Multidisciplinary Seed Funding, with Dr. Milana Vasudev and Dr. Vijay Chalivendra
Co-PI, “Non-invasive Detection of Biomolecule Secretion from Living Cells Using Peptide Nanotube Arrays”, UMass Dartmouth Provost Multidisciplinary Seed Funding with Dr. Milana Vasudev and Dr. Vijay Chalivendra
“Computational Studies of Nucleosome Stability”, George Schatz (PI, Northwestern University), Maricris L. Mayes (Co-PI, Argonne National Laboratory), Yuri Alexeev (Co-PI, ANL), and Graham Fletcher (Co-PI, ANL). U.S. Department of Energy INCITE Leadership Computing; 01/01/2013-12/31/2014 for 20 million core-hours.